The use of fossil fuels for various endeavors and the collecting of those materials are often points of contention in differing groups. In some cases, oil and gas disputes can lead to serious lawsuits that put companies in the position of having to defend their...
Handling oil and gas disputes in a timely manner
When disputes arise in any industry, many different problems may surface, and this is especially true in the world of oil and gas. These disputes can become more complicated and frustrating as time passes, which is one reason why oil and gas companies faced with a...
Supervisors allegedly taking personal profits
The California Department of Conservation’s Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources is responsible for providing the state with drilling permits, keeping the environment and economy’s best interests in mind. Yet some people believe that supervisors...
How much should mineral royalties be?
The California gas and oil businesses are complex. If you own land or mineral rights, you probably work with those who hold interests or leases in the minerals, mining rights or royalties. Normally, contracts with these individuals and companies could provide...
Financial concerns regarding oil and gas disputes
Oil and gas disputes take place for a myriad of reasons, and our law office has provided many examples of why these disputes arise throughout our website. When an oil and gas dispute comes up, it can result in many different consequences, regardless of the reason(s)...
Resolving an oil and gas lease dispute
In some parts of the country, blue collar workers have been hit hard by financial challenges and job losses. Some people in this position have benefited from oil and gas leases, which have helped combat these economic challenges. However, some of those who lease oil...
New plan proposes 37 new oil and gas wells
California residents know that the state in which they live is rich with many natural resources. Among these resources are oil and gas. While necessary for most people's everyday lives to run as they do, the collection and use of oil and natural gas can be a source of...
Identifying implied surface rights
The term "mineral right" implies that one's claim to ownership extends only to the minerals found from beneath the ground of a property in California. This distinction is made due to the fact that a separate ownership category exists defining surface rights. In many...
States may lose right to opinion in drilling under Trump
The current presidential administration is making changes to a 1972 law that gave coastal states like California the right to stall or stop offshore drilling in federal waters. Governors of states up and down both coastlines contested a recent proposal to open all...
Details matter in mineral rights contracts
Whether you are the owner of land in California or the representative of a company interested in accessing the resources that may lay below the surface of a particular piece of property, it is important for you to understand how agreements between these parties may...