The use of fossil fuels for various endeavors and the collecting of those materials are often points of contention in differing groups. In some cases, oil and gas disputes can lead to serious lawsuits that put companies in the position of having to defend their...
California land opens up to oil and gas transactions
Oil and gas can offer lucrative opportunities for individuals interested in the drilling industry. Of course, it can be complicated to lease land in order to drill, and it is important that any oil and gas transactions are carried out properly. As a result, when...
Handling oil and gas disputes in a timely manner
When disputes arise in any industry, many different problems may surface, and this is especially true in the world of oil and gas. These disputes can become more complicated and frustrating as time passes, which is one reason why oil and gas companies faced with a...
Innovative strategy may revolutionize oil and gas industry
With competition as pressure-filled as it is in the oil and gas industry in California, it is no wonder why many producers go to great lengths to implement innovative strategies to try to get an upper hand. One way they can do this is by developing a strong business...
Tips for successful oil & gas lease negotiation
At its core, negotiating a California oil and gas lease is about protecting your best interests, so the more you understand about the process and your rights as an individual with mineral interests, the more favorable your lease negotiations will likely be. At Ehrlich...
When to inspect an oil lease
At Ehrlich • Pledger Law, LLP, we understand that emotions tend to run high when oil and gas leases are involved. For prospective sellers, these contracts have the potential to represent a serious windfall. For buyers, they are a major investment. It is natural...
Is the U.S. in danger of oversupply?
The oil and gas industry, like many other industries in the United States, is a fine balance between production and overproduction. The risk of oversupply can affect the stability of many oil producers in California as well as across the country. With the importation...
Supervisors allegedly taking personal profits
The California Department of Conservation’s Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources is responsible for providing the state with drilling permits, keeping the environment and economy’s best interests in mind. Yet some people believe that supervisors...
Protect the value of your royalties with these tips
If you are considering whether or not to sell some of your mineral royalties in California, chances are you are going to want to find a buyer who will respect the value of your assets. At Erhlich Pledger Law, LLP, we have considerable experience helping people to make...
How much should mineral royalties be?
The California gas and oil businesses are complex. If you own land or mineral rights, you probably work with those who hold interests or leases in the minerals, mining rights or royalties. Normally, contracts with these individuals and companies could provide...