Whenever you have the opportunity to explore a new area, you are going to have to create a plan for how you are going to get from considering your options to finalizing a sale. In many cases, you will be one of several interested contractors who are going to need to show the seller why you are the best fit for potential exploration. At Ehrlich Pledger Law, LLP, we have helped many companies in California with the legal side of natural resource exploration.
While pitching and making an effective sale is a compilation of many different skills, one of the most important skills that you will need to have is negotiation. This skill allows you to discuss details with the seller in a manner that will allow you to create a deal that is beneficial to both parties, without compromising too much of what you desire. According to Forbes Magazine, in order to be able to negotiate effectively, you should remember the following:
- Select a time and setting to make your pitch that is appropriate and strategic.
- While using a persuasive tone of voice, avoid involving too much emotion.
- Make sure you have your facts straight before making any false assumptions.
- Know when to be silent and listen to the other side.
Incorporating these tips can help you to have a winning chance at making sales and winning a seller’s interest when working in the natural resources industry. For more information about how to create and finalize oil and gas transactions, visit our web page.